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Graduand to Graduate

I did it! I have officially graduated!! Two decades after I first enrolled in tertiary education, I have been awarded with my first degree. Albeit, not in the discipline I first embarked upon, but that too will come ~ just watch this space!!

It's actually a miracle that I made it. Thankfully, within hours of my mercy dash to the doctor and chemist last night, the heavy duty antibiotics kicked in and by 12:30am I was comfortable enough to head to bed. In the morning I woke tired, bloated, and with a migraine, but the nasty symptoms of last night were gone.

By 10am I was ready to join the world of the living so showered, dressed, and headed off to campus to collect my regalia.

Then it was off to McD's for a naughty (but oh so satisfying) lunch with my girl.

Before we knew it, it was time to head towards the parade.

By this stage I was absolutely buzzing. Wearing the regalia and being surrounded by all the pomp and circumstance is indescribable.

It certainly was an amazing feeling to be parading within road closures with 'paparazzi' snapping away with as much pride and excitement as the graduands were feeling.

Being checked-in and ordered for the ceremony itself was tedious to say the least. Not to mention the fact that we were all melting. Nearly 200 of us in a conference room with no fresh air. I didn't envy the men who were wearing suit jackets underneath their robes that's for sure.

As with most events such as this, the graduation ceremony dragged on for an eternity. I didn't notice him at the time, but I swear that man in the middle in the blue robe had fallen asleep by the time I was capped:

Oh dear. You can't really blame him, after all, this was the second tedious graduation ceremony he had to endure that day (there were to be six ceremonies in total this week of which mine was the second). But still, its no excuse.

I think this is one of my favourite photos from the day ~ taken by my mother. Despite the camera being on an angle, she did a superb job of the composition and captured my beaming happiness:

My ego is buzzing.

But tomorrow it's back to assignments ~ no rest for the wicked!!

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