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Graduate to Graduate

I did it! I have graduated!! Again.

Yes, again. This time with a Graduate Diploma in Psychology.

Fortunately, the stars had aligned themselves (none of the country was in lockdown) and I was able to fly up to Auckland for the ceremony. Unfortunately, MiniMe wasn't able to travel up due to having to work. Although, she did drive up later in the week and we were able to spend a couple of days and nights together. Bliss.

It was a stunning week of celebrations and catching up with friends and whānau. Surrounded by so much love, my soul was absolutely bursting. A fair amount of cocktails were also consumed, along with delicious foods - revisiting my most favourite restaurant in Auckland whilst also discovering a new gem in Takapuna.

But once the pomp and circumstance was over, homesickness set in. Not for Auckland, but for my new home. It caught me by surprise. I totally expected to feel heartache for the life I had left behind 18 months ago, but instead, I was yearning for my home down south. My new haven. And of course, my furry companions.

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