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Progress: 80% of English Channel

9th Tree Planted

Well the rest of the week hasn't been all that much better health-wise; with recurring migraines and IBS thrown in for shits and giggles. With more of the former and the latter not so much. (I know, I know. . . but you can't live with chronic bowel issues without a good dose of toilet humour.)

Despite this week's health challenges, with the incidental exercise of grocery shopping yesterday and housework today, I managed to reach the 80% milestone on the English Channel. And in turn, sponsored the planting of yet another tree.

I'm sure if I wore a fitbit or some kind of smart watch I could clock up that mileage a lot faster. But I'm not that obsessive. Besides, I actually don't like the sensation of a watch on my wrist for long periods of time. I start to feel like I'm suffocating. Quite literally. Bit I digress. . . The idea of these challenges is to provide additional motivation to complete regular intentional exercise. The only reason I'm counting the incidental exercise is because whilst I'm recovering from "Long COVID", I need to not push myself to exertion; which requires acknowledging that incidental exercise IS in fact exercise and recognising when I've used up my daily quota of exercise "spoons".

In other news. . . I *may* have also purchased another challenge. Despite insisting that I never participate in Black Friday sales, even I can't ignore a 30% discount. Especially on something that I would have otherwise purchased at full price (albeit at a later date).



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