30th Tree Planted
Despite the fact that I prefer to exercise in the morning, I had an overwhelming need to snooze after breakfast; and woke up feeling much better, but with only half an hour to spare before my first appointment.
After I finished work for the day, I fell down the YouTube Rabbit Hole listening to music and before I knew it, it was after 4:00pm. Damn it. Interestingly though, I found the motivation to get off my ass and pump some iron. Remarkable.
I must say, I was feeling it in my muscles way more than I did a week ago. Perhaps they're still in recovery. Or maybe I just have fewer spoons today. Whatever it was, I listened to my body and didn't push it too hard. Still clocked up the equivalent of 3km distance - which resulted in me finally completing this challenge that I started (embarrassingly) last March. But we won't dwell on that. What is of more value is that I finished it and can now start the next challenge.